Connecting the story of the Bible to the land of Israel and to the people of Israel

Dr. Noel’s Vision

My vision is to educate and inspire by providing biblically based teaching that connects the story of the Bible to the people and land of Israel at the intersection of history, geography, and theology. And with that foundation, we explore the New Testament in its first-century Jewish context.

Featured Insights

  • What’s Moses Have to Do with the Feeding of the Five Thousand?

    The feeding of the five thousand is the only miracle story to occur in all four Gospels and it reveals a lot about Yeshua’s messianic mission to Israel.

  • Yes, Yeshua Fulfilled the Law - But What Does That Mean?

    Matthew’s frequent use of ‘fulfill’ in a prophetic sense leads many to conclude that’s how the verb is used in Matt 5:17 as well. Jesus might disagree…

  • Location Matters: Capernaum Millstones

    Readers often overlook where Jesus and the disciples were when he taught them about the danger of leading others into sin - but location matters.